SWCP breezy windy blowy

Today starts out with a dilemma and a ton of gratitude.

I leave Treyarnon, within five minutes of starting I’m confronted by a two meters wide stream splitting the beach. Walking up and down the length I cannot spot anywhere to cross without getting my boots thoroughly ankle deep wet. A runner joins me looking for a crossing, and splashes through in a couple of leaps, running shoes sodden. Impossible with my backpack and wet feet walking a big no no. So no choice, I’m going to have to walk a  two mile detour to deal with two meters.

Eloise and her wellies

And then Eloise appears. “Would you like to borrow my wellies to cross?” and “Can you welly-wang?”

Yes and yes I answer! So thankful, the kindness of strangers. How many people would hand over the shoes they are wearing to help a stranger?

A big wave goodbye to Eloise and I’m on my way.

Pepper Cove, Wine Cove, Fox Cove, Rowan Cove and a lot more each with its own headland.  The path is rolling and fairly flat, but the wind!

I stop in Porthcothan Bay for a bite of breakfast, then back to battle the wind.

It’s driving hard off the sea. Sometimes struggling to walk into it, it keeps catching my pack and blowing me  to and fro. This world be an easy day walk is it was not b for the wind. All I can think of is Penzance, when it gets behind me.

Finally Newquay.

Newquay bare foot and fancy free

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